What It’s Like to be Under Siege

Well, ok, the headline is a bit exaggerated but I wanted to get your attention. On second thought maybe not so exaggerated.

I live 4 miles from the Washington, DC/Maryland line, and about 9 miles from the White House. My little neighborhood street intersects Connecticut Avenue, the street that takes you directly to the White House except for the last 3 blocks.

Here is what’s happening during inauguration week.:

–All bridges (4) that are over the Potomac River, which separates Virginia and Washington, DC, will be shut down to pedestrian and vehicle traffic from Tuesday AM through Thursday morning. One bridge already closed down on Friday evening. As far as I know this has never happened in our history. Remember that DC, the Maryland suburbs near DC, and the Virginia suburbs near DC, all operate in practice as one jurisdiction.

–The National Mall will be closed down on inauguration day, which as far as I know has never happened in US history. It will be shut down for close to a week

.–Many Post Office Boxes have either been removed or locked shut in DC.–National Guard Troops will go from 10,000 (currently) to 20,000.

–Thirteen Metro stations will be closed in DC around inauguration.–Many hotels will be closed during this time out of concern for staff and fear of unwanted guests.

–Airburb has cancelled ALL reservations during inaugeration week and refunded hosts and those who had reservations.

–Most airlines will not carry firearms in the baggage compartments, and the number of flights during this time to DC airports have been cut back. The four airports in the DC area, Dullus (in VA), National Airport, (VA) Richmond Airport (100 miles away in VA) and Baltimore/Washington Airport (MD) are under heightened security.

–Because DC is becoming so fortified, there is concern in both Maryland and Virginia that civil unrest will spill over into those respective states. In fact, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) declared a disaster Friday ahead of the inauguration and asked for federal aid.

But remember, that sunrises, cats, books, and art live on forever during tough times or normal times.

Just after Gutenberg’s press was invented, Venice (which was more of state with a fair degree of independence), Italy became the publishing capitol of the then world in the 1500’s. The Catholic Church struggled to censure many of the books (the first porn book was published there as well as Islamic and Jewish religious books), but Venice prevailed against them, for quite a while, until they didn’t. Then the book burnings started and sometimes the publisher was thrown in the bonfire for good measure. But that time passed…and this time too will pass (but have to say, I’m just not sure when!)

Stay safe everyone!

Helping Pet Owners During the Pandemic: One Bag of Pet Food At a Time

Our national pandemic has brought many bumps in the road:  Unpaid bills, lack of food, and perhaps more importantly to many people, lack of pet food.  Little did I and others know, that buying one bag of pet food at a time, for complete strangers, would assist hundreds, even thousands of pet owners all over the country.  Such a “small” gesture made a huge difference in the pet owner’s life, and not unsurprisingly in my own life too.

But how did this come about?  It all started in March of this year when a grassroots organization, called Intellihelp, was founded by Austin businessman, Ron Lynch, and some of his friends.   The method in their madness was to set up a mechanism where people could quickly and directly provide emergency assistance to others who lost income because of COVID-19.  There is no middle man:  Assistance is sent directly to the requester.

They decided to use Facebook as the platform where “askers” could post their needs and “angels” could  buy the items they needed.  The askers would post a wish list via Amazon, WalMart or other vendors and the angels would choose the item (s) to buy which would be directly sent to the asker.

The pleas for pet food came from all over the United States.  “Running short on food…please help….my dogs are my world.  Thanks.” said one requester.  “I’m living in my truck with my Fur babies and I’m in need of some help with for them,” says another.  Another poster mentioned going without food, so his dog could eat, and many others admitted they were feeding pets table scraps.  Another requesting help, had only $10 to her name.

But what is really remarkable is the number of people who could barely keep food on the table for themselves, yet took in starving, abandoned pets.  One woman was walking in a field and found a starving and parched pup and brought her home asking for help with pet food.  A pregnant woman who was barely making ends meet rescued two abandoned pups from her apartment dumpster.  A single mom of three, who was in remission from leukemia and on disability, wanted help for two sick kittens her daughter rescued.  The kittens meant so much to her children that she knew she had to make every effort to keep them.  Another rescued a starving kitten from a ditch despite four pets at home.

And one  woman rescued four severely starved horses.  They were so skinny that their ribs stuck out.  After the vet bills she had no money left to feed them.  She posted an SOS for less than $100 worth of hay and grain to feed them.  But several angels rallied around and gave her more than the initial request so she had food to last longer.

Photo of horse and hay
Bales of hay purchased by “angels” for four starving horses, one of which is pictured.

There is no mistaking the pet owners’ gratitude.  One requester said she had totally given up hope on anything positive happening in her life, until an angel fulfilled her request for pet food.

Said another, “I want to say thank you…for being my Angel for my animals. I couldn’t ever thank you enough for what you got…after a long day expecting only 1 of what I ordered and you got me 2 of everything…tears in my eyes. ”

For me, this experience has been both heartbreaking, yet heartwarming.  I am delighted to be able to help during these unbelievably tough times, but so sad that so many people are in such desperate straits.   As of now, July 2020, donors have contributed over $200,000 in the last five months which has helped over 2,000 households.

The British author, J.R.R. Tolkien had these wise words to say about tough times:  “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.  “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times.  But…all we have to decide is what to do with time that is given us.”  (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring)  Deciding to buy pet food for complete strangers, turned out to be a precious way to spend my time.

If you want to help pet owners via this mechanism, here is the FB link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/intellihelppets/



The Day My Great Granny’s Ship Wrecked off the Coast of Nova Scotia

The only time a member of my family made it on the front page of the NY Times is when my great granny’s ship wrecked off the coast of Nova Scotia on July 5, 1873.  The front page story ran for several days.  Remember, ship wrecks back then were what airplane crashes are today.  This particular article is the purser’s story who said during the whole trip, they had seen “neither stars or sun” and thus had trouble getting a sense as to where they might be along the eastern coast of Canada and the United States.

Green Rock Island off the coast of Nova Scotia

It truly was a miracle that she and her two sons survived. If the ship had hit  Green Rock Island, some 200 yards away, all lives would have probably been lost. On the day of the wreck the fog was so thick, “that no object could be seen three yards ahead.” She and her two infant sons (ages 1 and 4) along with nearly 500 passengers were saved, along with their luggage. Two fisherman from shore rowed out in a leaky row boat (the picture in my mind of one guy rowing and other using a small pail to bail the water out is priceless) and guided the lifeboats ashore.  The villagers made their homes available until passengers were put on another steam ship for the States.  My granny joined her husband in Indiana (he had sailed earlier) and they made their way to the Portland, Oregon area by train.

Obviously, the Captain had gotten lost and there were a lot of questions as to why he had not used the compass…he thought he was off the coast of Cape Cod.   There were also questions about whether the ship had been over loaded with steel beams.  The outcome of the inquiry into his actions resulted in a reprimand.  It seems this sinking ship had a lot of loose ends.  Early reports of the wreck had erroneously mentioned the drowning of passengers.  My great grandfather, waiting anxiously in Indiana, had initially received a telegram to that effect.  You can imagine his relief when the truth finally came out.

Scenery on the road to site of my granny’s shipwreck along the coast of Nova Scotia.

My cousins and I made a trip to see the site of the wreck several years ago.  A retired lobster fisherman took us in his pick-up truck along a dusty road.  And I saw Green Rock Island, where if the ship had wrecked there, the story of my life would have radically changed!  Since I was adopted, I still would have been born, but my adoptive parents would have been different.

So I wonder in this time of a major, world-wide pandemic when “anything” can happen how the stories of our lives might change.  But however our stories may be altered, they remain unique to us and I hope that is something we all treasure.

Days of Hell: Living 24/7 With My Caretaker Underfoot

Making Masks with Bra Straps

Well mask-making has taken our nation by storm.  Bridal shops, hobbyists, even lawyers are making them.  And it seems like everyone with a sewing machine in my neighborhood is making a mask.  Glad to see my human and loads of other humans take this pandemic seriously.

But of course, like everything else, there’s been a run on one valuable piece in the mask making process:  the one quarter inch elastic attached to the mask that loops around the ears holding the mask in place.  The following comes from a thread on my neighborhood’s listserv, which I read while peeking over my caretaker’s shoulder:

Some human had asked where she could find quarter inch elastic, as all the stores seemed out of it, and she couldn’t find any online.  Various posters made suggestions

Said one poster:  “Try ties made of fabric or ribbon (not satin ribbon, which is too slippery).  They are actually better than elastic because wearers can adjust the tightness for a closer fit. However, if you want elastic, I recommend hair bands.”

“Try shoelaces,” said another.

“What can also be used are sewn cotton ties. You make thin rolled (or flat) ones, like you would make for spaghetti straps on dresses and blouses, and stitch them to the masks,” said another.

“This sounds silly, but the elastic straps from old bras work,” said one poster. But another poster responded: “ It’s not silly, it’s quite ingenuous and it’s silly not to try! For that matter, how about elastic from other clothes in the house, underwear, men’s and women’s, skirts, pants!

(I love human ingenuity.)

After reading this, I suggested  to my caretaker that  we go down the street and knock on neighbors’ doors asking for pieces of clothing that had elastic in them.  I so want to help out.  So we did just that!  Look I modeled a bra that was donated.  At the very least, I have to admit it makes a very fetching hat, don’t you think?

Days of Hell:  Living 24/7 With My Caretaker Underfoot

Book Magic

All day, every day, I’m marooned with my caretaker.  What’s a cat to do?  And then I remember a statement made by poet, Amy Lowell.  It went like this:  “For books are more than books, they are life, the very heart…of ages past.  The reason why men worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.”

That dame is right.   Grab a book from the shelf and read it!  You all do know what books are, correct?  They are square or oblong objects with pages that you can turn with your paws (or fingers) and take you on magic journeys.  Because, right now, we all need some magic in our lives.

Read about a  poor wood carver’s son who depends on his clever cat to find him a beautiful princess to marry and big castle in which to live. (Puss in Boots)  Then there’s a naughty boy who goes to his room without supper and escapes on a journey to a kingdom of wild beasts where he becomes the king. (Where the Wild Things Are )

A rambunctious kitty pays an unannounced visit to a brother and sister (who are quarantined at home), while their mom is out shopping and totally trashes the house.  We cats love making a mess.  But despite the chaos the cat in the hat has a magic machine that cleans up the mess.  I mean, don’t we always clean up after ourselves? (The Cat in the Hat) 

And don’t forget the story about a gentle bull who refuses to fight in the bull ring and wants to sit under the pretty trees. (The Story of Ferdinand)

“Books are a hard-bound drug with no danger of an overdose,” said Karl Langerfield. So go ahead.  Take this hard-bound drug and you will see poor boys who get the beautiful princess, little boys who became king of the beasts, and a fighting bull who prefers to smell the flowers…magic.


Days of Hell: Living 24/7 with my Caretaker Under Foot

Toilet Paper

A brisk day full of sun beams which I enjoy catching with my paws.  I’m getting so tired of seeing my caretaker in front of that screen with all those funny shapes.  If she’s going to be home all day and all night, she should pay more attention to me.

She recently went the supermarket to pick up a few provisions.  She said even at an early hour, there was no toilet paper to be had.  Toilet paper?  What is it about humans and toilet paper?  Did the pioneers in their wagon trains going west have an extra wagon just for carrying rolls of toilet paper?  I think not.  They did just fine.

I mean heck in bygone times, sailors used the frayed end of a rope dipped in salt water to clean themselves. Romans thought a sponge at the end of stick was dandy.    Old newspapers, government proclamations, and moss were used to wipe the human butt.  In fact, it wasn’t until 1857 that a New York inventor, Joseph Gayetty invented commercial toilet paper.

Don’t get me wrong, we cats are experts on cleanliness.  But we don’t need toilet paper to keep clean.  Take a quick shower or bath to clean those nether regions.

I personally think toilet paper makes a great toy.  I like to balance rolls on my head or tummy.  But it seems humans take a dim view of these kinds of shenanigans.

Days of Hell:  Living 24/7 With my Caretaker Under Foot

Be Civilized, Show Compassion


Well, I guess nothing is perfect, and right now the humans seem to be in a pretty dicey predicament.  Seems like Bobby Dylan is right, A Hard Rain’s A Gonna Fall and you all don’t know when it’s going to stop raining.  But I’ve got news for you all:  You will make it (but don’t forgot to wash your paws, ah hands)!

There was this famous anthropologist named Margaret Mead who once said that the first indication of civilization in an ancient culture was the sign that a femur (thighbone) that had been broken had also healed. Because in the animal kingdom if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from bad animals or get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. (And we all know what great hunters cats are!)   Because in order for an animal to survive, they need someone to care for them long enough for the bone to heal.

A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has bound up the wound, carried the person to safety and nursed the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is when civilization starts, this famous human anthropologist said.  I would like to think I’m a civilized kitty, because I’m helping my caretaker through a difficult time.  And she too, is quite civilized as I have lots of food and someone who cares for me.  Perhaps this pandemic will show how civilized we are.

So here’s some advice for you humans:  Be civilized…show compassion.  Remember, the world is coming together, even though the people stay apart.

Days of Hell:  Living 24/7 With my Caretaker Under Foot

Life Inside

It was something I had never planned for.  But the day finally came.  A disease known as the corona virus (not to be confused with Corona Beer) has hit humans all over the world.  Infected humans (and even those who might not know if they had the virus) were advised to stay indoors for at least two weeks 24/7.  Humans would now be under foot with no break for 336 hours.

I tried not to be too alarmed.  But my first thought concerned my daily feeding routine.  If my caretaker couldn’t go to the market to buy my favorite morsels, would I per chance starve to death?  She assured me that grocery stores would deliver my favorite brands, and a large river called the Amazon might also deliver.  I was somewhat reassured, but you never know about these kind of things.  She also pointed out that she had “stocked” up on my favorites, and I was somewhat placated.   I have been described as “Rubenesque,” so I need plenty to eat.

Right now, my caretaker seems perfectly healthy, but she has decided to mostly “stay in,” for as many days as necessary.  The word, “necessary,” troubles me.  What exactly does that mean?  Perhaps the best way to cope, is to see this as an adventure.  One can only hope that I won’t tire of her constant presence.

Maybe animals, especially cats, (although I will give dogs a little credit), can help out.  Animals and nature can be soothing and we do bring people together (although it must be online for now).  We are innocent, and while a human’s world grinds to a halt, our world carries on.

As the great nature writer, John Muir once said, “And into the forest I must go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”  So  we  will help humans find their soul.

What’s a Girl to do?

Click here for my website

My 2004 Subaru was on its last leg.  A trip to my mechanic documented faulty brake systems, suspension amok,  and other mechanical failures about to erupt.  Bald tires, plus other safety issues had been duly noted.  I needed a new car, even though I hate buying one.  Although mine was old, like a pair of comfy slippers it fit me well. One day, I decided to “just look” and stopped by Fitz  Mall Subaru, one of my local auto dealers.   A few hours later I walked out with a  new car, and not a clue as to how to drive it.

After a lifetime of looking out the back window before backing up, I could not do what was so counter intuitive….look at a screen in front of me while I backed up.  I got home and could not find the parking brake.  A frantic phone call to the dealer revealed that the parking brake was a discrete oblong button on my the console between the two front seats.  But, when I tried to “release” the brake, nothing happened.  Another phone call and the salesman told me I had to press down on the floor brake then the button to release the parking brake.  And so it went.

The sheer number of dials and buttons is over whelming–on the steering wheel, to my left underneath the steering column, on the ceiling, on the center console, and the dials in front of me  also have a “settings” button.  A plethora of safety beeps has me periodically talking to my car, “shut up, who are  you to tell me what to do.”  (We’ll leave out my use of four letter words.)   The owner’s car manual runs over  200 pages long, and my dealer offers an hour one on one tutorial (my tutorial lasted two hours), to help new owners.

The in-car map system totally baffled me, as yes, I still print driving instructions, and stop at gas stations to ask directions.  (“Honey, take a left, and you’ll go about five miles, passing a field of cows…turn right at the cemetary.”)   But folks, I’ve got news for you.  When the zombie apocalypse takes over the world,  the first thing they will do is disable the cell towers.  I will have my trusty written instructions and be heading for safety in the mountains while the rest of  you are totally lost!

Technology has reshaped our lives in many ways, but at what cost?  The thing I like most about my new car is the fact that I can download Pandora and loads of music selections…something that has nothing to do with driving.  But so many buttons removes us from the act of seemingly accomplishing the task through our own efforts.  A few buttons are fine, but too many makes me wonder what we might have lost.  And increased technology also means more things can go wrong….and in a much more complicated way.

My dream car is an early 1950’s Ford or Chevy manual (yep, I can drive a stick shift) pick up truck. (See left photo in the montage above.)   Just a smooth bench type seat, maybe some waist seat belts, windows you crank down yourself (no air conditioning, of course), and only an AM radio.   A technological illiterate car, not much can go wrong with it.   You’re not riding along in a smooth cocoon where air is filtered, and with a touch of a button (if you can find the right one) all driving problems will be solved.

I don’t know, buttons can be really nice, but sometimes I want to sing off key with Patsy Cline  on an AM radio  about loves lost, while a cool summer breeze ruffles my hair through a window I cranked down.

My Sacred Space

http://www.judyfolkenberg.com/ (my art website)

My studio was a mess and I couldn’t find anything.  Pieces of driftwood lay scattered in different boxes.  Cabinets held items I hadn’t looked at for months.  Plastic containers were not labeled so I had little idea what they held.   And items that should have been grouped together were scattered all over the place.

Chaos had taken over and the making of art slithered to a back seat…because I didn’t know what I had, or where it was.  While the necessary job of  cleaning up and organizing seemed onus at first, I soon took delight in the task because it became a treasure hunt.  I discovered dandy pieces of wood that would great book covers.  Bird and wasp nests (wasps feed on nectar and make ‘paper’ nests by mixing saliva and wood fibers) gave me new ideas for using in book art and art in a box.  Misshapen pieces of driftwood offered endless possibilities.

It took  a little over a week, before order  gradually took over.  Boxes were labeled and put on shelves.  “Like-minded” items were put together and stored in a logical manner. Debris was blown out of the studio doors with my trusty leaf-blower.  To free up counter space, I hung as many items as possible on nails pounded into the wall.

Yes, a studio is a place to make art, but it is also a sacred spot for artists.   Or as Joseph Campbell says:  “To have a sacred place is an absolute necessity for anybody today… This is a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be. This is the place of creative incubation. At first, you may find nothing happens there. But, if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen.” (Joseph Campbell) .

My studio is a place for my spirit to breathe and it has be neat and organized for my spirit to truly breathe!

(Top photo shows before and after photos of my studio.)